Eligible Organisations
To qualify for the Adobe Charity discount program, organisations must have the following charity type reflected on the Australian Business Register:
- Charitable Fund
- Charitable Institution
- Public Benevolent Institution (PBI)
- Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) Employer
Eligible organisations must also have a mission to provide direct services to the community in one of these areas:
- Providing relief to the poor
- Advancing education
- Improving social and community welfare
- Preserving culture
- Preserving or restoring the environment
- Promoting human rights
Ineligible Organisations
The following types organisations with the below core purpose are ineligible:
- Private foundations;
- Hospitals, clinics, or facilities providing direct medical care;
- Health management systems, HMOs, PPOs, or other healthcare organisations;
- Government funded research laboratories;
- Government organisations or agencies, including international governmental
- organisations and United Nations Entities;
- Schools, colleges, and universities;
- Political or lobbyist organisations;
- Labor or fraternal organisations;
- Commerce and trade associations; and
- Individuals
There are no ordering limits for the Adobe Charity program.
Adobe Charity licences may not be transferred or resold.
Products will be distributed under this program to qualifying organisations, not to individuals.
Non-discrimination Policy
Organisations that engage in discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training or
services, termination, promotion, and/or retirement based on race, color, sex, national origin,
religion, age, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy, sexual
orientation, political affiliation, union membership, or veteran status other than as allowed by
law are not eligible to participate in this program.
Appropriate identification
An organisation needs to be able to prove its tax-exempt status with current tax documents.
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