Donated product will be distributed under this program to qualifying organisations only, not to individuals.
Organisations may request licenses from one product group (either Norton 360 or Norton Small Business) within a fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). Each organisation can request enough licenses from the selected product group to protect up to 100 devices.
Eligible organisations must have an annual operating budget of less than $10 million USD.
Organisation size: Organisations with 50 employees or less are eligible
Donated products to libraries may be used for ALL library computers, not just for public access.
This donation will not be made available to some student groups or academic organisations, employee or membership benefit organisations, some social or recreational clubs, Boy Scouts, organisations that support political parties or candidates, advocacy groups, or faith-based organisations whose primary mission is religious .
Organisations that advocate, support, or practice discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background are not eligible to participate in this program. Organisations must be willing and able to attest that they do not discriminate on any of these grounds in order to receive donations.
Norton products may not be used in the embargoed countries Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria, including while traveling through them.
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